Announcing new Java 11 OCP Books!

Update (11/05/2020): Read The 1Z0-819 Exam page to learn how you can easily our Java 11 Study Guides to prepare for Oracle’s 1Z0-819 Exam, as well as the 1Z0-817 Upgrade Exam.

Jeanne and I are thrilled to announce that we are releasing Java 11 OCP books early next year. Yes, you heard that right, books plural, as in more than one! In fact, we’ll be releasing two new books, along with a complete set edition.

We’ll post links where you can preorder the books as soon as they are available!

These books have been carefully written and include the most important information you need to know for the Java 11 OCP exams. While we are quite proud of our Java 8 books, there’s a lot of new material required for the exams including modules, var, and custom annotations just to name a few.

If you’re thinking of taking the new exams prior to the books’ release, we recommend reading our posts detailing our experiences taking the exams:

In short, if you’re comparing the first exam (1Z0-815) to the older OCA 8 (1Z0-808) exam, don’t. They are quite different and the difficulty level has definitely been increased. We expect both books to be available in early 2020. In fact, we’re nearly done writing the first book already!

My Experience taking the new Java SE 11 Programmer I 1Z0-815 Exam

Update (11/05/2020): Read The 1Z0-819 Exam page to learn how you can easily our Java 11 Study Guides to prepare for Oracle’s 1Z0-819 Exam, as well as the 1Z0-817 Upgrade Exam.

One day after Oracle announced the new Oracle Certified Professional: Java 11 Developer certification, I decided to jump in and take the first of two exams! As an author of a best-selling Java certification series, how hard could it be I thought? In short… very! I did pass, but it was very different from what I imagined it would be.

Certification Changes

On the surface, the new Java 11 Programmer I (1Z0-815) and Java 11 Programmer II (1Z0-816) exams appear to be loosely based on the original OCA 8 (1Z0-808) and OCP 8 (1Z0-809) exams. I say loosely, because glancing at the objectives would lead you to believe they might be the same exams. They are decidedly not! More on that in a minute. One major change to the structure, though, is that the Oracle Certified Associate title no longer exists. Completing either exam does not grant you any certification title, and you must complete both Programmer I and Programmer II exams (in any order) to be an Oracle Certified Professional 11. There is also a single Java 11 OCP Upgrade (1Z0-817) exam for holders of a Java 6/7/8 OCP certification. Each of the three new exams are listed at $245 US. Unlike previous Java exams, there is no discounted beta exam, or beta exam of any kind, for the new Java SE 11 exams.

Neither Jeanne nor I have taken the Programmer II exam yet, so the rest of this post will be about my personal experience with the new Programmer I exam.

OCA 8 (1Z0-808) vs Java 11 Programmer I (1Z0-815): What’s the difference?

A LOT. I can’t emphasize this enough. The new Programmer I exam is significantly harder than the OCA 8 exam was. Questions are much more involved, much longer, and often require answering multi-part questions. For example, a question might have 8 answer choices and you need to select 3 completely independent answers. Process of elimination is crucial to finishing the exam. For example, in some cases it’s a lot easier to find the 5 choices that don’t compile than the 3 that do.

The new Java 11 Programmer I exam also includes a lot of topics that were previously only found on the OCP 8 exam. While you don’t need to know stand-alone topics like Concurrency, JDBC, and NIO.2 for this exam, you do need to know nearly everything there is to know about core Java topics like interfaces, generics, and Java operators. Jeanne and I noticed the new objectives appear to be a lot vaguer and broader than the previous objective set, meaning they can (and do) encompass a lot more than is explicitly listed in the objective titles. For example, == and equals() are no longer listed in the objectives, but don’t let that lull you into thinking for a second that you don’t need to know them to pass the exam!

Modules, modules, modules, Oh my!

The Java 11 Programmer I exam includes new topics like Project Jigsaw modules. Prior to taking the exam, I thought there going were only going to be a handful of questions on modules. Boy was I wrong! There were many questions on modules and the depth of them was honestly very surprising. You definitely need to memorize all module-related command line arguments to java/javac/jdeps/jmod, as well as knowing the long and short command-line flags. Just because modules is 1 of the 12 of the top-level exam objectives, don’t be fooled into thinking only 1/12 of the questions will be on modules! Understanding modules is vital to passing this exam!

OCA 8 (1Z0-808) vs Java 11 Programmer I (1Z0-815): What’s the same?

Excluding modules, the objectives are quite similar between the OCA 8 and Java 11 Programmer I exams, but that’s more likely to do more harm than good. Anyone going into this exam thinking this is just a Java 11 version of the OCA 8 exam will be in for a surprise.

So what is the Java 11 Programmer (1Z0-815) exam?

In a nutshell, it’s like they took the old OCA 8 exam, increased the difficulty of the questions by an order of magnitude until it was as hard as the old OCP 8 exam. Then, they updated the length of questions so that you had to answer 2-3 questions at once in a single question. Next, they greatly increased the depth of any topic on the previous exam. For example, previously you might have only needed to know 2-3 StringBuilder methods, whereas now you need to know nearly all of them. Finally, they filled the exam to the brim with Java module questions.

Of course, they also included other new Java 9/10/11 topics, like var and some string/array methods, but they pale in comparison with the changes in depth, difficultly, and new module topics.

“Can I use your OCA 8 book to study for the Java 11 Programmer I exam?”

As the sole source of preparation for the exam, definitely not. The OCA 8 exam was significantly easier and lighter than the new Java 11 Programmer I exam, and we wrote the questions and topics to match that particular exam. If you only study from our previous book, there is a good chance you might fail the exam.

That said, you could use our OCA 8 book, as well as the first half of our OCP 8 book as a starting points for studying for the new Java 11 Programmer I exam, but you will absolutely need to supplement it with education on the new topics, methods, and classes in Java 9/10/11, as well as in depth and hands on knowledge of modules. You should also expect the questions to be at least on the level of difficulty as the OCP exam.

“Hey Scott and Jeanne, is there a new Java 11 certification book coming?”

We get this question a lot, even before the objectives were announced. All I can say is, stay tuned for now!

The Amazon AWS Java SQS Client is *Not* Thread-safe

I recently added long polling to an Amazon SQS project that processes thousands of messages a minute. The idea was simple:

  • Spawn N number of threads (let’s say 60) that repeatedly check an SQS queue using long polling
  • Each thread waits for at most one message for maximum concurrency, restarting if no message is found
  • Each time a message is found, the thread processes it and ACK’s via deleteMessage() (failure to do so causes the message to go back on the queue after the visibility timer is reached)

For convenience, I used the Java Concurrency API ScheduledExecutorService.scheduleWithFixedDelay() method, setting each thread with 1 millisecond delay, although I could have accomplished the same thing using the Thread class and an infinite while() loop. With short polling, this kind of structure would tend thrash, but with long polling, each thread is just waiting when there are no messages available. Note: For whatever reason, Java does not allow a 0 millisecond delay for this method, so 1 millisecond it is!

Noticing the Problem
When I started testing my new version based on long polling, I noticed something quite odd. While the messages all seem to be processed quickly (1-10 milliseconds) and there were no errors in the logs, the AWS Console showed 50+ messages in-flight. Based on the number of messages being processed a second and the time it was taking to process them, the in-flight counter should have been only 3-4 messages at any given time but it consistently stayed high.

Isolating the Issue
I knew it had something to do with long polling, since previously with short polling I never saw that many messages consistently in flight, but it took a long time to isolate the bug. I discovered that in certain circumstances the Amazon AWS Java SQS Client is not thread-safe. Apparently, the deleteMessage() call can block if too many other threads are performing long polling. For example, if you set the long polling to 10 seconds, the deleteMessage() can block for 10 seconds. If you set long polling to 20 seconds, the deleteMessage() can block for 20 seconds, and so on. Below is a sample class which reproduces the issue. You may have to run it multiple times and/or increase the number of polling threads, but you should see intermittent delays in deleting messages between Lines 25 and 27.


import java.util.concurrent.*;
import com.amazonaws.regions.Regions;

public class SQSThreadSafeIssue {
	private final String queueName;
	private final AmazonSQS sqsClient;
	private final int numberOfThreads;
	public SQSThreadSafeIssue(Regions region, String queueName, int numberOfThreads) {
		this.queueName = queueName;
		this.sqsClient = AmazonSQSClientBuilder.standard().withRegion(region).build(); // Relies on locally available AWS creds
		this.numberOfThreads = numberOfThreads;
	private void readAndProcessMessages(ReceiveMessageRequest receiveMessageRequest) {
		final ReceiveMessageResult result = sqsClient.receiveMessage(receiveMessageRequest);
		if(result!=null && result.getMessages()!=null && result.getMessages().size()>0) {
			result.getMessages().forEach(m -> {
				final long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
				System.out.println("1: Message read from queue");
				sqsClient.deleteMessage(new DeleteMessageRequest(queueName, m.getReceiptHandle()));
				System.out.println("2: Message deleted from queue in "+(System.currentTimeMillis()-start)+" milliseconds");
	private void createMessages(int count) {
		for(int i=0; i<count; i++) {
			sqsClient.sendMessage(queueName, "test "+System.currentTimeMillis());
	public void produceThreadSafeProblem(int numberOfMessagesToAdd) {
		// Start up and add some messages to the queue
		// Create thread executor service
		final ScheduledExecutorService queueManagerService = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(numberOfThreads);
		// Create reusable request object with 20 second long polling
		final ReceiveMessageRequest receiveMessageRequest = new ReceiveMessageRequest();
		// Schedule some thread processors
		for(int i=0; i<numberOfThreads; i++) {
			queueManagerService.scheduleWithFixedDelay(() -> readAndProcessMessages(receiveMessageRequest),0,1,TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		final SQSThreadSafeIssue issue = new SQSThreadSafeIssue(Regions.YOUR_REGION_HERE,"YOUR_QUEUE_NAME_HERE",60);

And below is a sample output of this, showing that each message took 20 seconds (the long polling time) to be deleted.

1: Message read from queue
1: Message read from queue
1: Message read from queue
1: Message read from queue
1: Message read from queue
2: Message deleted from queue in 20059 milliseconds
2: Message deleted from queue in 20098 milliseconds
2: Message deleted from queue in 20024 milliseconds
2: Message deleted from queue in 20035 milliseconds
2: Message deleted from queue in 20038 milliseconds

Note: The SQSThreadSafeIssue class requires Java 8 or higher along with the following libraries to compile and run. It uses the latest version of the Amazon AWS Java SDK 1.11.278 available from AWS (although not in yet):

Understanding the Problem
Now that we see messages are taking 20 seconds (the long polling time) to be deleted, the large number of messages in-flight makes total sense. If the messages are taking 20 seconds to be deleted, what we are seeing is the total number of in-flight messages over the last 20 second window waiting to be deleted, which is not a ‘true measure’ of in-flight messages actually being processed. The more threads you add, say 100-200, the more easily the issue becomes to reproduce. What’s especially interesting is that the polling threads don’t seem to be blocking each other. For example, if 50 messages come in at once and there are 100 threads available, then all 50 messages get read immediately, while not a single deleteMessage() is allowed through.

So where does the Problem lie? That’s easy. Despite being advertised as @ThreadSafe in the API documentation, the AmazonSQS client is certainly not thread-safe and appears to have a maximum number of connections available. While I imagine this doesn’t come up often when using the default short-polling, it is not difficult to reproduce this problem when long-polling is enabled in a multi-threaded environment.

Finding a Solution
The solution? Oh, that’s trivial. So trivial, I was tempted to leave as an exercise to the reader! But since I’m hoping AWS developers will read article and fully understand the bug, so they can apply a patch, here goes….

You just need to create two AmazonSQS instances in the constructor of SQSThreadSafeIssue, one for reading (Line 21) and one for deleting (Line 26). Once you have two distinct clients, the deletes all happen within a few milliseconds. Once applied to the original project I was working on, the number of in-flight messages dropped significantly to a number that was far more expected.

Although this work-around fix is easy to apply, it should not be necessary, aka you should be able to reuse the same client. In fact, AWS documentation often encourages you to do so. The fact that the Amazon SQS client is not thread-safe when long polling is enabled is a very serious issue, one I’m hoping AWS will resolve in a timely manner!