How many questions are on the Java 11 certification exam?

Update (11/05/2020): Read The 1Z0-819 Exam page to learn how you can easily our Java 11 Study Guides to prepare for Oracle’s 1Z0-819 Exam, as well as the 1Z0-817 Upgrade Exam.

Here’s where things stand for the Java 11 exams.

Exam1Z0-8191Z0-817 (upgrade)
# questions5080
exam duration1.5 hours3 hours
passing score68%61%

Notice you have a little more time per questions on the upgrade exam. However, the passing score is higher.

As a point of reference, the 1Z0-819 is replacing the 1Z0-815 and 1Z0-816 exams which had also had 180 minutes to answer 80 questions and a passing score of 63%.

Remember that you can use our Java 11 Combined Study Guide to study for either the 817 or 819 exams. You can also buy the part 1 and part 2 separately which are the same content

It’s a Book! OCP Java 11 Complete Study Guide Now Available!

Update (11/05/2020): Read The 1Z0-819 Exam page to learn how you can easily our Java 11 Study Guides to prepare for Oracle’s 1Z0-819 Exam, as well as the 1Z0-817 Upgrade Exam.

Jeanne and I thrilled to announce “the birth” of our new OCP Java 11 Complete Study Guide! This nearly 1200 page tomb of work is the combined product of our two recent OCP Java 11 Study Guides (Programmer I and Programmer II) and contains everything you need to pass Oracle’s the 1Z0-815, 1Z0-816, and 1Z0-817 Java exams. On top of that, it’s filled with challenging practice questions, interesting examples, and a bit of fun and humor.

Available for purchase now in physical or digital editions, where ever books are sold.

This Book is *Not* a Study Guide

Well, technically it is. But what I really mean is our new OCP 11 Java Programmer II Book is so much more than that. In fact, it’s my favorite book we’ve written (don’t tell my other books!) because it dives deep into some really interesting topics like streams, concurrency, I/O and NIO.2, method references, etc that people often only have passing familiarity with.

It’s not written solely for you to pass the exam (although it contains plenty of strategies/tips/tricks for that too!). For example, maybe you’ve used annotations but been too scared to write you own? This book will teach you everything you need to know about writing custom annotations like a pro. Or maybe you’ve heard about lambdas and streams but don’t really understand them well enough to use them. Completely understandable! I was once terrified to use them too, for fear of looking unintelligent (aka dumb). Now, I use lambdas, streams, and method references to accomplish in a handful of lines what used to take me pages of boiler plate code.

Whether you take and pass the exam or not (and I sincerely wish you do), I hope that by reading this book you’ll gain a greater understanding and appreciation of Java. Oh, and if you’re more just starting out, I recommend reading our OCP 11 Java Programmer I Book first. That provides a solid foundation for Java classes, methods, and polymorphism.

If I sound excited, it’s because I am really proud of this book and all of the hard work that went into making it interesting, easy-to-understand, and perhaps… a bit of fun! Purchase now on Amazon while supplies last!