upgrading to junit 5 parameterized tests for the first time

I’ve been playing with JUnit 5 for a while. Migrating existing project is something else so I decided to try with my small project cert objectives checker. This project does run on Jenkins so is a good test because it isn’t just on my machine. First I set up Eclipse and Maven to work with JUnit 5.

Switch to Jupiter APIs

Since I only had 5 classes, I updated by hand. For each class:

  1. Changed imports to
    import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.*;
    import static org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.assertThat;
    import org.junit.jupiter.api.*;

    (The hamcrest one is so I can keep using assertThat)

  2. Changed assertEquals/assertTrue/etc calls to have String message as last parameter instead of first.
  3. Changed @Before to @BeforeEach
  4. Got distracted and updated tests to Java 8 syntax (nothing to do with JUnit)
  5. Changed to use new ParameterizedTest syntax. More on this…

Parameterized tests

Interestingly Eclipse knows about the new Parameterized Tests dependency natively. But if you use Maven, you need to add a dependency:


Now let’s compare the before and after. I’ve omitted parts that are the same in both (aka the detailed logic of my test). Not that it is secret of anything. (After all the project is public on github.) But it makes it easier to compare the differences with less code.

JUnit 4 version

import static org.junit.Assert.*;

import java.io.*;
import java.net.*;
import java.nio.file.*;
import java.util.*;

import javax.xml.parsers.*;

import org.junit.*;
import org.junit.runner.*;
import org.junit.runners.*;
import org.junit.runners.Parameterized.Parameters;
import org.w3c.dom.*;

public class CheckForChangesIT {

  public static List<CertsToCheckEnum[]> suite() {
    List<CertsToCheckEnum[]> result = new ArrayList<>();
    for (CertsToCheckEnum element : CertsToCheckEnum.values()) {
       result.add(new CertsToCheckEnum[] { element });
    return result;
  // ----------------------------------------------------
  private CertsToCheckEnum certToCheck;
  private InputStream stream;
  private Document doc;

  public CheckForChangesIT(CertsToCheckEnum certToCheck) {
    this.certToCheck = certToCheck;
  // ----------------------------------------------------
  public void connect() throws Exception {
    String url = XML_URL + certToCheck.getExamNumber();
    stream = new URL(url).openStream();
  public void close() {
    if (stream != null) {
      try {
      } catch (Exception e) {
        // ignore
  // ----------------------------------------------------
  public void upToDate() throws Exception {
    String currentData = convertToString();

JUnit 5 version

import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.*;

import java.io.*;
import java.net.*;
import java.nio.file.*;

import javax.xml.parsers.*;

import org.junit.jupiter.params.*;
import org.junit.jupiter.params.provider.*;
import org.w3c.dom.*;

public class CheckForChangesIT {

  private CertsToCheckEnum certToCheck;
  private Document doc;
  // ----------------------------------------------------
  public void upToDate(CertsToCheckEnum c) throws Exception {
    certToCheck = c;
    String url = XML_URL + certToCheck.getExamNumber();
    try (InputStream stream = new URL(url).openStream()) {
      String currentData = convertToString();

Key differences between JUnit 4 and 5 Parameterized Test

  • The JUnit 5 annotation has a different name and is placed on the test rather than the class. This is good because it lets you have some parameterized tests in a class and some regular tests. With JUnit 4, I had to arbitrarily create another class for the non-parameterized parts.
  • JUnit 5 has a number of annotations for building the parameter list without having to write custom code.
  • JUnit 5 injects the parameter as a method parameter rather than an instance variable.
    • In many ways this is nice. For example, I am now using a try-with-resources to close the stream rather than creating in @BeforeEach and having ugly logic to clean it up later. I could have done this in JUnit 4 but it seemed less natural.
    • In the case of my “legacy” test, I use the previously injected instance variable all over the class.  Hence my hack of storing the local variable in the original instance variable as the first line of my test method.
  • The JUnit 5 version is a good bit shorter

One problem

I encountered a minor Eclipse bug with parameterized tests. So I reported it.

preparing to run junit 5 with eclipse and maven

I’ve been playing with JUnit 5 for a while. Since I’m going to be speaking about it at JavaOne, I decided to write all my tests using JUnit 5 between now and then. Plus we are getting close to JUnit 5’s official release; it’s pretty stable now.

Since it is more than just playing, I wanted my IDE to support it. And my Maven POM needed to know about both JUnit 4 and 5. It wasn’t hard.

Note if you are using IntellIJ, it works out of the box so you just have to set up Maven.

Update Eclipse

I also decided to update my Eclipse so I could run JUnit 5 tests in the workspace.  I had to let Eclipse update 3 other plugins to be compatible with the latest version. It was easy to do though and I didn’t need to re-install my custom plugins. In September (or so), Eclipse will release with JUnit 5 support in it.

Update Maven POM

Then I updated my pom to use the dependencies in the JUnit 5 Maven sample. I also added failsafe support and junit-jupiter-params dependency (for parameterized tests which I use a lot)

<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd">
            <!-- <includeTags>fast</includeTags> -->
       <!-- docs don't have this as test scope; trying anyway to see what happens -->
       <!-- docs don't have this as test scope; trying anyway to see what happens -->
     <!-- other dependencies my project needs like selenium go here -->

Problems I encountered (with solutions)

  1. Maven doesn’t run failsafe tests – Originally I didn’t have failsafe version 2.19.1 because I had copied the pom from the junit sample. And the JUnit sample didn’t have any integration tests so no reason to include failsafe.
  2. Eclipse doesn’t recognize migrated JUnit 5 tests – If you’ve ever run JUnit 4 tests against that project/test, Eclipse has a stored configure with the test runner set to JUnit 4. You can go to “run configurations” and either delete the existing configuration or change the runner to JUnit 5 for that configuration. I choose the later:

Remember that with this configuration, you are merely prepared to have JUnit 5 tests in your project. Since JUnit 5 is (mostly) backward compatible, the tests still work as is.


“why did you decide not to be a developer”

Last week, I got asked “why did you decide not to be a developer” by a junior developer while we were pair programming. My first reaction was “I am a developer”. My second was confusion as we were writing Selenium/JUnit code at the time of the question. She was typing and I was the navigator. (In this particular pairing session, she was the driver for 95% of the time as I’ve worked with Selenium extensively and she had never used it before. The only times I drove were for a few “Java idioms” where I wanted to show how it was done.)

After I got past my first two reactions, I gave a far better response. Another teammate IM’d me to say it was a good explanation and I replied that it would make an excellent blog post. So here’s that blog post.

There’s different types of developers

I’m currently on a Dev Ops type team. We do tools and consulting to teams creating business applications. (usually web apps but not always.) I consider myself a developer. I write code. I deliver software. Sometimes that software is a standalone tool we wrote. Sometimes it is automation for an open source tool. Sometimes is it is customization. Sometimes it is automation of a task. Sometimes it is a requirement that the open source software doesn’t meet. But I write code regularly at work. I also read code regularly to troubleshoot open source code.

Frequency of coding on my previous team

On my previous team, I was a business/web application developer. Towards the end, I had advanced to the point where I was the tech lead and SQE (software quality engineer). And this was a decent sized team so it took up time. I spent a lot of team mentoring others, doing analysis, in meetings, etc. I didn’t code every day on that team, so typing code can’t be the measure of a developer role. Interestingly, the code I write on my current team is often harder/more technical than the code I wrote on my previous team!

First time idea of being on the dev ops team full time

A teammate floated the idea of me being on the tooling team full time a good number of years ago. At that point, I wasn’t even able to think about it. I needed the experience of being a tech lead/architect/whatever of a larger team before I was willing to “specialize”. So I understand the question. But it’s not a matter of not being a developer. It’s a matter of being a different type of developer.

My title/department

My title is still developer and I’m still in a development department. That hasn’t changed. So my company thinks of me as a developer too. It’s just that our customers are now developers too while they used to be the business.

Programmer vs developer

This wasn’t in my answer, but I want to include it here. There’s a difference between being a programmer and a developer. We aren’t just boxes that take in detailed requirements and spit out code. That’s true on any team.


Finally, the good news is that she asked the originally question because she was impressed with my coding skills.