my first ever time on the big stage at javaone

Every year, JavaOne has a community keynote. Last time, it included a skit for a lot of people in the Java community. This year, it was a number of segments. I was asked to be in one about Java authors. Maurice Naftalin and I each got to answer two short questions about writing/our books. Mine were

  1. Why did you decide to write a book?
  2. How does studying for the certification exam

We were given the questions in advance so we could have a prepared succinct answer. While the answer was content reviewed, we didn’t have to stick to it word for word.

The keynote was on the main stage and quite a production. It was really cool to see the behind the scenes. They even had a make up person to ensure everyone looked good on camera.

I speak twice for about a minute each at the timestamps in each of these videos:

And then at the end everyone who spoke at the community keynote got to go back on stage at the end. This video is that moment timestamped.

JavaOne 2022 Table of Contents

First post-COVID JavaOne! They did a great job of making places for developers to connect, something we’ve been missing. The exhibit hall had a big space for games, sitting and networking. I won a stuffed dolphin in the claw game. And I got to spent *a lot* of time networking/hallway track




setup for HOL-4957 – Automating Your CI/CD Stack with Java and Groovy

Scott and I’ll be leading a hands on lab “Automating your Ci/CD Stack with Java and Groovy” at Oracle Code One. This is a BYOL (bring your own laptop) lab.

If you run into any trouble setting up for the lab, you can post a comment on this blog post or start a thread in the Cloud/Virtualization forum at CodeRanch.

This lab requires the following:

  1. Docker
  2. Docker images
  3. Enough disk space
  4. The ability to run curl
  5. Optional: JDK 8
  6. Optional: Groovy

1 – Docker

To install Docker, follow the instructions at:


At the command line, run docker –version. (Small version differences are ok in the output)

$ docker --version

Docker version 18.06.0-ce, build 0ffa825

2 – Docker images

These images a little under 2GB combined. So as not to tax the conference network, please pull them in advance. This will also let you deal with any corporate internet proxies while you are still at work and can ask for help.

At the command line run:

docker pull sonatype/nexus3:3.13.0

docker pull jenkins/jenkins:2.146

docker pull sonarqube:7.1

 Note: “latest” will probably work. These version numbers are the ones we tested with.

$ docker pull sonatype/nexus3:3.13.0
3.13.0: Pulling from sonatype/nexus3
256b176beaff: Pull complete
18d124afa1e9: Pull complete
9bb412307f82: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:19d186d5bc8be1ea4f7bae72756baa830e79bf20aae0e9e7b1a0c7d3ce7ac136
Status: Downloaded newer image for sonatype/nexus3:3.13.0

$ docker pull jenkins/jenkins:2.146
2.146: Pulling from jenkins/jenkins
55cbf04beb70: Pull complete
1607093a898c: Pull complete
9a8ea045c926: Pull complete
d4eee24d4dac: Pull complete
c58988e753d7: Pull complete
794a04897db9: Pull complete
70fcfa476f73: Pull complete
806029475e0c: Pull complete
67959b355155: Pull complete
4d217ccd3d4c: Pull complete
0261bb88a4a5: Pull complete
96f2a3ae5539: Pull complete
f6bf99db32d5: Pull complete
bb47d4bbb0e1: Pull complete
4b48ec5d60cf: Pull complete
7280a8dfb767: Pull complete
91091f8d44ca: Pull complete
8ca02cad320f: Pull complete
46009bfec329: Pull complete
f9860b79812e: Pull complete
89ac8103ea67: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:161cb25fbb23a1c5ac5fdd0feebd713edd62c235e199e68b34d1a78205a42da7
Status: Downloaded newer image for jenkins/jenkins:2.146
JeanneBrskysMBP:OracleCodeOne2018-HOL-Automating-Stack-Groovy nyjeanne$ docker pull sonarqube:7.1
7.1: Pulling from library/sonarqube
55cbf04beb70: Already exists 
1607093a898c: Already exists 
9a8ea045c926: Already exists 
d4eee24d4dac: Already exists 
c58988e753d7: Already exists 
794a04897db9: Already exists 
70fcfa476f73: Already exists 
806029475e0c: Already exists 
67959b355155: Already exists 
1e6b3af7f55a: Pull complete 
e0b67c57c8e1: Pull complete 
ce12e009fbe7: Pull complete 
3edf8e47f9c4: Pull complete 
Digest: sha256:4438a37735caa24d80da31ee29e72d686abdaa8f5009746ec60e0d43519e1a57
Status: Downloaded newer image for sonarqube:7.1

4 – The ability to run curl

If you are running Mac, Linux or Windows 10, you don’t need to do anything. If you are running an older version of Windows, you can install Cygwin.

5 – Optional: JDK

If you want to run groovy locally, JDK 8 (not higher) needs to be in your path. It is possible to do the lab without having Groovy installed.

6 – Optional: Groovy

Follow the instructions at:

Note: Please download Groovy 2.X rather than 3.X. Version 3.X is in alpha at the time of writing this lab.


At the command line, run groovy –version.(Small version differences are ok in the output)

$ groovy -version

Groovy Version: 2.5.2 JVM: 1.8.0_45 Vendor: Oracle Corporation OS: Mac OS X

4 – Disk space

This lab uses about 2 Gigabytes of disk space (not counting Docker itself.) The last step of the lab explains how to recover disk space.


At the command line, run curl and ensure the output isn’t an error message.