qcon – live blog table of contents

I’m attending QCon New York which is run by InfoQ.com. At the end, I’ll update this post to be a table of contents of my blog posts from the conference.

My live blog posts




That’s 9742 words live blogged not counting this post (which gets it to 10K) and an average blog post size of 487. The “Too Big To Fail” session was an outlier at 827; must have liked it a lot.

My overall impressions
The conference in general seem set up well with 25 minutes between talks along with an open space by area at the end of the day (not presentations; discussions). For lunch they have tables designed for discussion – large normal confernece tables, 4 people discussion tables and “loner” tables. I also like the intro about usbility including the big names on the badge.

The intro also had each track lead give an overview of th talks in their track. This felt like overkill as this was online and most people think about what they want to attend before showing up.

Logistically, I really like that you gave feedback by putting a green, yellow or red paper as you walk out the door of the session. Low overhead; low time commitment and asked while you still remember the details.