completing pathways levels 3 and 4

See my main Presentation Mastery Pathways page for some context.


Level 3

The required project in my path is a 5-7 minute persuasive speech. I did mine about Pathways! There was good content on how to approach a persuasive speech.

Level 3 is where you get to start electives. See my pathways comparison for a list of the choices and what they entail. I chose “Using Descriptive Language” and “Active Listening”. The former is just a 5-7 minute speech that is similar to what we did in the old CC. The later is being table topics master.

I picked these two because my goal was to get through the first four levels before Pathways launched in New York so I would have access to all the projects for reference. So I wanted to pick projects where I already knew what to do. On my second path, I plan to pick electives that are new such as using presentation software or making connections through networking.

Level 4

In my path, the required level 4 project is a 5-7 minute speech on managing a difficult audience. I really like this project. Before I presented at a public conference, I gave a club speech called “The Case of the Interrupting Audience.” I gave club member specific annoying/distracting things to do. This Pathways project is similar. Audience members get assigned roles and you have to practice handling them. Excellent addition to Toastmasters! I lost my train of thought twice during the interruptions.

There is one elective in this level. I chose holding a Question and Answer session since I was doing that anyway for Pathways.  There are a lot of fun looking electives in this level like blog posting, running an online meeting and creating a podcast. There are some less technical ones like public relations and project management as well.

how to install open jdk 11

Since I’m speaking at QCon about Java 11, I figure I should install it instead of just having read about it :).

Wait? Will this mess up my existing Java install?

No. Open JDK provides tar files. This means you can have as many versions installed as you want.

How to install

  1. Go to
  2. Download the Open JDK tar.gz file (It’s about 300 MB)
  3. Unzip
  4. Move to the directory you typically keep JDKs to make it easy to find. For example, on Mac:
    sudo mv jdk-11.jdk /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines
    cd /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines
  5. Optionally, add aliases. I like to create javacVersionNumber and javaVersionNumber so I can quickly compare multiple versions. For example, on Mac, I opened .bash_profile and added aliases for java 11 to the ones I already had.
    alias javac11=/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk-11.jdk/Contents/Home/bin/javac
    alias java11=/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk-11.jdk/Contents/Home/bin/java