advanced spring boot with consul – live blogging from spring days

Advanced Spring Boot with Consul
Speaker: Michael Gendelman @MikeGendelman
See list of all blog posts from conference

“when someone writes something clever and leaves, that’s a problem”

“every time someone logs onto a box at a Fortune 500 company, it is a big deal”


  • for service discovery and configuration management
  • Consul agent – does health check and forwards queries. Runs on machine of all apps
  • Consul server – elects a leader. Want 3-5 per data center. Must have at least 3 so can elect leader
  • Has UI – can see properties/services/etc. Can update config in UI in addition to through yml files [talked about risk of having the real properties be out of sync of the yaml. Good that devops has evolved to the point this is a common worry]
  • Same executable for server and agent

“health of the service is more important than the health of a single instance”
Don’t need a page/alert if enough are still up


  • Use spring-cloud-starter-consul-all Maven dependency – made by an independent company
  • Have dev mode so can run in isolation but test all the features
  • annotation to enable discovery
  • Have bootstrap.yml file to set up config – instead of application.yml

thinks there is plugins/script to link version control to properties. good if need different properties in different environments

I learned enough about Spring Boot yesterday to be able to follow Mike’s example. Seeing the live demo of Consol was nice.