Surrounding with Double Quotes in IntelliJ

IntellIJ has a feature where you can surround a String with double quotes by simply pressing “. Here’s how:

  1. Select the text you want in quotes
  2. Press “

There’s a video showing the feature.

However, this may appear not to work on your machine. There are two possible causes

Cause #1: The feature is off

Go into your IDE settings and choose

  1. Editor
  2. General
  3. Smart Keys
  4. Check “Surround selection on typing quote or brace”

Cause #2: Keyboard mapping

I’m on a Mac and the feature worked for single quotes and not double quotes. How odd. It’s clearly not cause #1 since it works for single quotes.

I then tried on my laptop keyboard and it worked with double quotes. So clearly the problem was my keyboard! Somehow it was being treated as an international keyboard instead of US. I remapped by going to “Keyboard” on Mac system settings and choosing “setup keyboard.”

Once I did this, the feature worked consistently on both keyboards.

Makes me wonder how people with non-US keyboards are supposed to use the feature!

[uberconf 2023] intellij dojo

Dan Hinojosa

For more, see the table of contents



  • Help > Keyboard Shortcuts PDF
  • Goal: get away from mouse
  • I tried to note both windows and mac since I use both. I followed along on Mac live
  • Presentation assistant shows shortcuts used [I used this one]
  • Key Promoter X – reminds you to use plugin [I turned this off; it was super annoying]

New projects

  • Projects typically created outside the IDE so just have to open the project
  • Open new project (or recent projects)
  • Can setup to open from command line by typing “idea .” – Open toolbox (not in IntelliJ; helps with downloading > bolt > settings > tools – shows where command line)


  • Command or alt 1 – project menu – start typing name of file to get straight to it. Arrows to go thru nav menu.
  • Command or alt 2 – bookmarks
  • shift escape – close window – ex if have bookmarks open.
  • Command or alt 3 – find window
  • Command or alt 4 – run window
  • Command or alt 5 – debug window
  • Command or alt 6 – problems window “six is to fix”
  • Command or alt 7 – structure window (outline of file)
  • Command or alt 9 – git log
  • Command or alt 0 – commit window
  • Command or alt e – recent files list
  • Command shift e – recent edit locations (within file)
  • Command or control shift F12 – maximize/restore editor

Action keys

  • Command or control shift A – all actions – shows shortcut next to it so can type name and review shortcut
  • control control – run anything within project. type “?” to see what the choice are. ex: run maven test quickly. Also shows recent commands
  • shift shift – search everywhere ex: files, options in ide, even has a calculator


  • control (or Alt windows) right/left – didn’t work for me on mac; ctrl tab lets me see tabs and pressing it repeatedly switches between them
  • ctrl F4 (was command w on my machine)

Finding items

  • command o/Ctrl N – go to class (supposed to be o for mac, but n works for me)
  • command shift o/ctrl shift n – go to file
  • command option o/ctrl option n – go to symbol
  • command/ctrl b – go to declaration
  • command/ctrl alt b – go to implementation
  • option/alt f7 – find usages
  • command/ctrl f7 – find in file

TDD Sample

  • command/ctrl n – create new – then choose what want ex: Java class. do again within class and can create test method automatically
  • F2/shift F2 – switch between problems (ex: compiler error). If no errors, says no errors found
  • alt/option enter – context sensitive actions ex: fix error, refactor
  • command/ctrl shift t – toggle between test and code under test
  • ctrl t (mac) ctrl alt shift t (win) – refactor this menu
  • command l – go to line


  • command option/control alt l – format all code
  • control alt/option o – organize imports

Selecting code blocks

  • option down/ctrl shift w increase code block selected – ex: line -> section of code -> method -> class
  • option up/ctrl w increase code block selected


  • command/ctrl backspace – delete line
  • command/ctrl d – duplicate line
  • command/ctrl x – cut line
  • command/ctrl c – copy line
  • command/ctrl v paste line
  • command/ctrl shift v – paste from history; still available even after pasted
  • command/ctrl t – surround block/selection – didn’t work for me on mac
  • command option t/ctrl shift t – surround with – ex: wrap with if/try/etc

Code completion

  • pvsm – generate main method
  • postfix – write. sout or .var or the like at end of line if forgot something at beginning of line and fixes. Can add own with live templates
  • ctrl space – autocomplete
  • ctrl option/alt space – inaccessible members autocomplete; will import at same time
  • ctrl shift space – type sensitive complete – filter autocomplete based on the desired type
  • command/ctrl shift enter – complete statement – ex: add { for if statement
  • command/ctrl p – parameter info – click method and get pop up with the parameters for all overloads. Works when writing code or on filled in code
  • ctrl shift p – type info – useful on a stream to see return type. If ambiguous have to chose which expression from a list first


  • Command/ctrl shift up or down – move code up or down compared to other code


  • Ctrl Q – windows, Ctrl J – mac – pop up for docs
  • ctrl shift i win, command y – mac – pop up with source code/implementation. use right/left if multiple matches (ex: levels in hierarchy)
  • alt q windows, ctrl shift q mac – pop up with method name, press again for class. useful in long legacy code


  • Contextually – main methods, tests , folder of tests etc
  • If create file named http, will run it. Uses specified format to specify get/post, content type, etc – Good if don’t need credentials
  • ctrl shift F10 win, ctrl shirt r mac – First time, run and mark context configuration. Like staking a claim
  • shift F10 win, ctrl r mac- run last config
  • alt shift f10 win, ctrl option r mac – mark context
  • Replace d with r for debug versions
  • In debugger, trace current stream chain lets you see each step of a stream and what is there. (click three dots in debugger to see it). Choose flat mode to see everything on one screen


  • ctrl t (mac) ctrl alt shift t (win) – refactor this menu – this one includes all the other refactorings. Including obscure ones like changing a method return type
  • F5 – copy item
  • F6 – move item
  • shift F6 – rename globally
  • command/alt delete – safe delete
  • ctrl alt n – inline
  • command option/ctrl alt m – extract method
  • command option/ctrl alt v – extract variable
  • command option/ctrl alt f – extract field
  • command option/ctrl alt c – extract constant
  • command option/ctrl alt p – extract parameter


  • shift command 8/alt shift insert win – start column selection mode.
  • hold shift down and get multiple cursors at that column
  • alt/option shift click – start multicursor mode – each click gives you a cursor
  • ctrl g mac, alt j windows – next instance of word giving you a cursor for each (select method/class/etc want to match first)
  • ctrl command g mac, alt shift j win – all instances of word giving cursor for each

HTML/XML editing

Version Control

  • Command/Ctrl 0 – changes window
  • Command/Ctrl K – commit
  • Command/Ctrl t – update project
  • command/ctrl shift k – push
  • ctrl v – mac, alt ` windows – version control quick help

Random stuff

  • If reference a closure variable (ex: effectively final variable used in a lambda), variable appears in purple.
  • Presentation mode – don’t need to mess with font manually when present
  • File and Code templates – for commonly used code

Side note

Chrome has a built in QR code generator – share the link and QR is an option

My take

It was good to get practice and learn more shortcuts. Also learned I had my keymap set to mac classic (that explains why some expected shortcuts hadn’t worked; fixed it). I like the windows/mac contrasts. Felt less magical seeing it presented together. (I use both).. Good mix of hands on and watching.

creating a new junit 5 project in gradle in intellij

I haven’t created a new JUnit 5/Gradle project in a IntelliJ in a long time. When doing so today, I ran into a number of problems. I wound up just starting over, but writing up what I encountered/learned.

Java 16 vs 17

IntelliJ supports Java 17. When I set up Gradle, it told me that Gradle doesn’t yet support Java 17. I confirmed on the Gradle website this is true. Ok that’s fair. Java 17 isn’t fully released for another month. While there might be an early adopter package that does work with Java 17, my focus here is JUnit 5, no, Java 17. So I went with Java 16.

String not found – “Package java.lang is declared in module java.base, which is not in the module graph”

This surprised me. I’m not using modules in this project. Or at least I don’t want to be, nor do I have a file. I tried invalidating the IntelliJ cache and restarting the IDE. That didn’t work. I then tried deleting the .gradle and .idea directories and reopening IntelliJ. That worked. IntellIJ even asked if I wanted to trust the gradle project as it recreated one.

This approach lost all IntelliJ settings including Java version, gradle version and source/test directories.

Recreating the project

At this point, I decided to delete my build.gradle and settings.gradle files in addition to the .idea and .gradle directories. My plan was to start over. I then created a new Gradle project in the same directory. I created a dummy file and had IntellIJ create a JUnit 5 test for me. That updated the Gradle file in a way that the IDEA was happy with. Now to commit to git lest anything else happen.