[uberconf 2023] go(lang) for java developers workshop

Speaker: Ken Sipe

For more, see theĀ table of contents



  • Normally this is a workshop. Today’s session is abridged
  • Lots in lab that aren’t in the slides/presentation
  • Labs: https://github.com/kensipe/go-labs
  • Solutions: https://github.com/codementor/wman


  • Go Lang only for search. Call it Go in talking
  • Google made Go in 2009 and started using in 2010
  • Killer app – advanced cloud/k8s
  • 1.0 released in 2012
  • Release every six months
  • Can run online – https://go.dev/tour/welcome/1
  • VSCode has good plugin. IntelliJ makes a Go IDE – GoLand. IntelliJ plugin for Go not same as GoLand

Value proposition

  • Ease to use – productivity
  • Efficient execution
  • Type safe
  • Latency free garbage collection
  • Fast compilation
  • Native binary, but run on multiple platforms

More about Go

  • Some inspiration from C but not derived from c family
  • Language simplicity – no inheritance/generics/assertions/method overload/classes
  • Implement interface
  • Inference assignment
  • Have structs, but not OO


  • format is defined. {} must be positioned right. { must be on same line as predecessor
  • No semicolons

Differences from Java

  • No classes
  • Main doesn’t have ceremony – func main
  • In Java, the project contains the src tree. In Go, you clone the whole project into your src tree (GOPATH). In later versions of Go, can scatter if want.
  • Functions in files – less of a conventions
  • return used a lot more than in Java – want to fail fast/get out of method as quickly as possible
  • Naming controls behavior. name is private; Name is public

Go commands and files

  • go mod init – creates a go project in the current directory (assuming in GOPATH)
  • go mod init github.com/user/proj – creates a new go module
  • Creates go.mod file listing version number by default
  • go.mod lists required dependencies once add them
  • go.sum – checksum for dependencies
  • go doc – command line help. ex: go doc fmt or go doc.fmt.Println
  • many linters as options
  • go mod verify – checks checksums
  • go mod tidy – remove any unused dependencies

Hello World

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
	fmt.Println("Hello World")


  • Can import one at a time or a list – like namespaces
  • Built in packages: https://pkg.go.dev/std
  • Reusable packages: http://awesome-go.com
  • Ken makes three sections; by likelihood of changing dependencies listed later and alphabetized by group. GoLand handles this ordering.
import "fmt"
import "net/http"


import (


  • bool
  • string
  • int, int8, int16, int32, int64
  • uint, unit8, uint16, uint32, uint64, uintptr
  • byte (alias for uint8)
  • rune (alias for int32)
  • float32, float64
  • complex64, complex128
  • Array
  • Slice – initially, think of as a way of getting to an array. Can pass part of an array via a slice. Window view onto array.
  • Struct – create own structure
  • Pointer
  • Function
  • Interface
  • Map
  • Channel – stream of things, can be bounded or unbounded, can add events to channel
  • if just use “int”, get default for your platform
  • defining size matters for certain apps


  • var name string
  • name = “value”
  • var a, b, c int
  • var name = “hello”
  • var a, b, c = 1, 2, 3
  • var a, b = 1, true – don’t mix types on one line
  • Common to have terse variable names when very small scope
  • Leave out time if can be inferred
  • message := “hello” – most common way for creating a variable, can shadow variable if exists in different scope
  • a, b, c := 1, 2, 3
  • x, y := FunctionReturningTwoThings()
  • Will not compile if define variable that is not used
  • _, y := FunctionReturningTwoThingsWhereDoNotCareAboutFirstOne()

Pass by reference

  • Pass by value by default. If want pass by reference, need to pass a pointer
  • foo(&a) – to pass pointer
  • fun foo(count *int) – takes pointer
  • *count – use thing pointer preferences (ex: int)
  • count – gives you actual pointer
  • Strongly typed – can’t pass nil if has a declared return type. Can if pointer

User Defined types

  • type MyType string – alias to an existing type. Can add functions to your type.
type MyType struct {
  name string
  value string

var mine = MyType { "n", "v" }
var longer = MyType { name: "n", value: "v" }
var evenLonger = MyType{}
eventLonger.name = "n"
  • When use longer format to create, order doesn’t matter when passing in values and can leave some out.


const (
 PI = 3.4
 other1 = iota
 other2 = iota

iota is successive integers where don’t care about the numbers


myMap := map[string]int {
  "n": 4,


Last comma needed to compile. This avoids changing lines in version control that weren’t affected by the change.


  • os.Args – to get args passed to main
  • fmt.Println(a, b, c)
  • fun Mine(type string) string – return one string
  • fun Mine(type string) (string, string) – return two strings
  • return “a”, “b” – return two things
  • fun Mine(name … string) – takes a slice of strings; can call like varargs in Java

Can use variables for return. If don’t set all return values, “return” will fail. (Ok to use nil)

func Mine() (x string, y string) {
  x = "x"
  y = "y"


  • Function only accessible on a type
func (x MyType) MethodName() {
var m = MyType{}


  • uses duck typing – if method has signature of interface, it is that interface
  • interface{} – no functions so everything implements

My take

Good intro. I was puzzled at the beginning about scope. I thought it was a talk but he said workshop. Then the instructions about creating a key were there. Then it was a talk. Which is what I was expecting. It would have been clearer to not include “workshop” in the title slide to match both the abstract and session. Avoids that confusion. I do like the lab was available for “later”. The references to “we will cover that later” with 20 minutes left felt like false promises.

The actual material and flow was great. I learned a lot and the callouts for what is different in Java was helpful. The examples were good for learning. I’m happy with the session and glad I attended. I just wish it was designed to be a 90 minute presentation with “see here for full” rather than trying to shoehorn something clearly much longer into 90 minutes.

He went a little over. I stopped blogging at the official end time because the rest was flying through a lot of the remaining slides too fast to follow, let alone understand/type.