[dev nexus 2024] teaching your kid programming from the perspective of a kid

Speaker: Cassandra Chin


For more, see the 2024 DevNexus Blog Table of Contents


  • Steven Chin’s daughter.
  • Worked with coding and YAML in MInecraft
  • Starting teaching kids to program at 14 at conferences
  • Junior in college
  • Creating podcast at internship for younger people (ex college)

Tech diversity

  • 20 years of feale tech panels and still need
  • Women who try AP Comp Sci in high school ten times more like to major it.
  • Black/Latino students seven times more lilkely.
  • Need to provide opportunity
  • Even at 6 year old, kids think computers are more suited to boys. Fifth grade it tapers down so sweet spot for starting.

Kids and code

  • Schools mandate human/world languages, but not coding languages
  • Since schools dont always provide, parents need to
  • Not all screen time is equal
  • Limit youtube
  • Minecraft in middle
  • Best use is learning to code – ex: Scratch
  • Redirect computer use vs taking away

Mistakes for parents to avoid

  • Don’t leave your daughters out. Bring to tech event
  • Computers at home matter – an actual computer, not a tablet. Lets do more than play mobile games
  • Don’t need to be good at math. While Assembly requires math, nobody uses anymore Modern programs use logic, not math
  • Kids dislike math the most followed by foreight language. Computers is third highest. Both things above are types of art.
  • Don’t start with books like Discrete Math
  • Give examples of programmers that they can relate to
  • Don’t start with boring parts like what an array is. Better to start with legos
  • Don’t do the code for the kids. They won’t learn. Never grab mouse or keyboard. Means content too har


  • Anyone can learn to code. Don’t have to be super smart.
  • Kids told programmers are genious do worse than kids who think practies will make them better


  • Phippys AI Friend – comes with online workshop that takes about an hour. Actually use boo as prop
  • Coding for Kids Python
  • GIrls who Code

Helping kids

  • Relate to your kids hobbies. Ex: discuss who built
  • Lego Spike – build robot and do block coding
  • Mbot (Make Block). Uses screws instead of legos. Don’t have to use blocks
  • Hour of Code. Lots of themes
  • Choose age appropriate. Often we choose twoo hard
  • Squishy circuits for 3-9 year olds
  • Raspberry Pi and Arduino – 9-15 years old
  • Groups of two works best. When three kids, the younest will often feel left out
  • Take kids to localy run workshops – ex: confernces, girls who code

My take

I like her responses to Todd’s mini interview a the begining while they dealt with AV issues. Great humor. I liked that she made a joke about her dad being there to tell jokes. I also like “I’m not the daughter of Steven Chin; I have a name”. Great content throughout hether new to the topic or not.

The content resonated well. I gave my best friends five year old (daughter) a toy robot for her fifth birthday. I enjoyed seeing her play. I now have a gift idea for next year!

I also liked the demo from her book!

[devnexus 2024] moving java forward together

Speaker: Sharat Chander


For more, see the 2024 DevNexus Blog Table of Contents


  • Began with a survey of how long people have been using Java. A lot of people at 25+ years and a small bunch for all 29 years! (Java turns 30 next year)
  • Tech we have now used to be impossible – ex: phone
  • Sci fi shows what possible
  • Trap : “move fast and break things” At a point, speed causes harm. Remember the user experience
  • If long out window on train, goes by too fast. But if look farher out, can see. Need to look beyond that window
  • People first. Technology second. Remember the users.
  • Avoid “get shit done”. Innovation in of itsel is not innovating. What purpose if not helpfu
  • What power do you have in your environment. One person can do a lot.
  • Need to prepare next generation befoe age out


  • “Move thoughtfully and build things” – Sharat’s dad. Meants to be careful and thing before break
  • ”You know less than you know” – Sharat’s dad. Recognize learning opportunities
  • ”Mastery is not the destination; only be the beginning” Sean Phillips

Java DevRel Team at Oracle

  • Stewards of Java
  • Learn, share, contribute
  • Foundational Programs – Oracle academy, Oracle university, Open JDK, Java User Groups, Java Champions
  • 10-20% of audience raised hand as not being part of a JUG (Java User Group)
  • New/Digital program – inside.java, dev.java, youtube.com/java


  • Called up latest Java Champion
  • Pratik and Atlanta JUG for lifetyime achievement award. 20 years of DevNexus!

[devnexus 2024] survivorship bias

Speaker: Hanno Embregts and Maarteen Mulders

@hannotify and @mthmulders #survivorshipbias

For more, see the 2024 DevNexus Blog Table of Contents


  • Many talks about how a tool will solve all your problems
  • X years ago, lots of talks about blockchain. And at one point, it was NoSQL. Now it is generative AI. “Can solve anything with it.”

In Netherlands

  • Vote by flling in circle with red pencil
  • Digital machines not secret because could monitor readiation and determine vote outside.
  • Also source code not open
  • Decided current way was just fine and no changes in 20 years
  • ”Innovation” was a smaller paper ballot

Trying Blockchain – Problems

  • Started a small scale voting POC application (not governnment) for a writers works council [i think that is like a union]
  • Internet flowchargs/decision models said din’t need blockchain for this use case
  • Considerations: writers known and treuted with interests unified. have trusted third party and private transactions. None of these requirements go well with blockchain

Surivorship bias

  • Showed map of where plane got hit in world war 2.
  • However, these planes returned.
  • The critial parts are the ones where the plane did not return
  • Not aware that didn’t see data that would lead you to a different conclusion
  • Most talks are “I tried this and it was glorious; you should try it as well”
  • Just because a speaker solved a problem with a technique, doesn’t mean it will also solve yours. If it was, we’d all be doing he same thing.
  • CDD = conference driven development. Doing whatever speaker did to solve everything Doesn’t work 🙂 Also, over engineers project

Examples of massive failed projects

  • Wikipedia has list: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_failed_and_overbudget_custom_software_projects
  • 15 years of work on a Dutch project built on a tech not fully understood
  • 11 years of work on a British health care system
  • Australlian project not yet cancelled but spent a billion dollars. Massively over time and budget. Biggest cause is XBRL format being too new and not enough experts

How avoid by imagining a fake conference called “Silver Bullet Con”

  • Think about alternatives during/after talk and research before choosing
  • Understand the problem. Also see if earlier talk will help understand an advanced talk
  • Gain some experience first. Write down name of talk and watch after have background to understand and maximize impact
  • Don’t need to avoid silver bullet talks but be careful
  • Make sure you meet prereqs. Don’t attend a talk that proposes a solution to a problem if you dont undersand the problem yet.
  • See where tech is in on the hype cycle ex: peak of inflated expectations). Talk titles often reflect position in hype cycle.
  • Note any drawbacks speaker mentions. Best talks contained detailed comparison of pros and cons. If speaker doesn’t mention, ask in Q&A “did you encounter any drawbacks”. Everyone wants to know
  • Ask speaker in hallway
  • After conference, think about how solve problem without tech speaker presented. Compare to speaker’s solution
  • Tinker/experiment with new approach. Should be able to reproduce both the problem and solution. If not, there might be another factor at play
  • Look online if others have tried. Did they succeed or fail? This is why it is important to blog/tweet/speak about failures and what learned
  • Blogs/videos/ChatGPT wil tell you the happy path. Stack Overflow wil show you the non-happy path
  • Master your tools and keep up to date. But beware of treating that tool like a hammer and imagining all tools are nails

My take

I wasnt sure what to expect, but I enjoyed it. I like the example of blockchain as we all know how it went. (aka that it didn’t solve all our problems). The Silver Bullet Conference idea was fun. The pretend talk titles were great. It would have been nice to gie images for the depenency tree comand to se what does.. I know that was a tagent though. And I use the IDE for thre tree so not put out. They also encouraged questions with stroopwafells