Looking for our mock exams/online materials? Wiley switched away from Efficient Learning to Admission Tests (https://login.admission-tests.wiley.com/wel/login). The link from Efficient Learning takes you there. (In fact as of early December, logging in at least partially routes you back to efficient learning)
You can still start out in the same way.
To register the book
- The website in the back of the book: http://wiley.com/go/sybextestprep
- Choose “See Oracle titles”
- Pick the book you are reading and click “Register or login”
- Click “get Sybex PIN” which takes you to a pull down of books
- Scroll down to the letter “O” and choose the one you are reading.
- Enter your name/email and answer a question found in the book (ex: what is the second word on page X”
- You then get an email. It says the email could take up to 24 hours, but I got mine immediately.
- Go back to the “Register or Login” screen and enter the PIN
- Choose “Activate”
- You then get prompted for a username/password. If this is your first time logging in, choose “forgot password”
- A progress bar launches to show progress towards setting up the account. This took about three minutes.
Once you’ve registered (at least for now)
- Go to https://www.efficientlearning.com
- Click login
- Click the link in the big yellow banner on top which takes you to https://login.admission-tests.wiley.com/wel/login

- You’ll see your products at admission tests. (It says on the FAQ that they will be available thru April 30, 2024), but mine is available longer)
- Click on your test bank and it takes you back to efficient learning. At least for now.